hír BME Urbanisztika Tanszék

DOCONF2021 / Call for abstract ‘Facing Post-Socialist Urban Heritage’

A posztszocialista városépítészet újrapozicionálása / nemzetközi konferenciafelhívás

wettstein_domonkos | 2021.02.02

A BME Urbanisztika Tanszék nemzetközi konferenciája doktori hallgatóknak és posztdoktoroknak. Az absztrakt felhívás határideje 2021. március 31.

Conference: 8-9 October 2021, Budapest, Hungary
doctoral/postdoctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning
organizer: urb/bme
The DOCONF2021 is the 4th international doctoral / postdoctoral conference in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and planning organized by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
The DOCONF series provides a comparative overview of current doctoral research in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning focusing on the urban challenges related to the physical – built and natural – environment of the post-socialist cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and post-soviet Asia. Those invited include doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers (with a PhD/DLA degree earned after the 1st of January 2016) – specializing in architecture, urban design, urban planning, or landscape architecture.
For more information visit the DOCONF series website!
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